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Volunteer Information


Thank you for your willingness to help the students of our district. San Luis Coastal Unified School District recognizes and values the volunteers who provide a variety of services to our schools. This information packet contains the procedures to ensure that all volunteers have been screened appropriately to provide for maximum safety for all students in SLCUSD.

In order to determine the requirements appropriate for the level of service you wish to provide, the following definitions and requirements are explained below. Visitors come to the schools for various purposes, including the following: tour the campus, meet with a staff member, or attend a school event or activity. Visitors have limited contact with students. As provided in Education Code 45125.1(c), limited contact will be determined by SLCUSD based upon the totality of circumstances, including factors such as the length of time the volunteers will be on the school grounds, whether students will be in proximity to the site where the volunteers will be working, and whether the volunteers will be working by themselves or with others.

Volunteers have contact with students and come to the schools to help in a variety of ways, including the following: assist certificated employees, supervise students during recess and lunch, or assist with extracurricular activities. Volunteers are grouped into the following categories and must be screened as follows:

Level 1 Volunteer (supervised, not regularly on campus): Level 1 Volunteers have limited contact with students and are always directly supervised by a certificated employee. They must be cleared through the Megan's Law website to ascertain the volunteer is not a registered sex offender. Examples of a Level 1 Volunteer include community members who make a brief presentation to students at the school for career day, school assembly, or a one-time presentation in the classroom.

Level 2 Volunteer (supervised and regularly on campus): Level 2 Volunteers have more-than-limited contact with students and are always directly supervised by a certificated employee. They must be cleared by the Megan's Law website to ascertain the volunteer is not a registered sex offender. Additionally, they are required to have a current tuberculosis (TB) clearance (i.e., within the past four (4) years). Examples of Level Two Volunteers include classroom or office volunteers and library/media center helpers.

Level 3 Volunteer (unsupervised, but not driving): Level 3 Volunteers are not always supervised by a certificated employee. They must have approved fingerprints on file with San Luis Obispo COE prior to working alone with students and are required to have a current tuberculosis (TB) clearance (i.e., within the past four (4) years). An example of a Level 3 Volunteer is a chaperone on an overnight student field trip or volunteer coach. Note: volunteer coaches must also meet other screening requirements, such as current CPR and first aid certification. Student teachers must complete Level 3 Volunteer screening.

Level 4 Volunteer (unsupervised and driving): Level 4 Volunteers are not always supervised by a certificated employee and will be driving students. Level 4 Volunteers are required to have met Level 3 Volunteer requirements plus the following:

  1. Instructions for Transporting SLCUSD Students
  2. Driver Information Form
  3. Authorization for Release of Driver Record Information (DMV pull notice program)
  4. DMV Driving Record
  5. Copy of the first page of driver’s current Automobile Insurance Policy Declaration
  6. Copy of the Driver's License

We appreciate your interest in being a San Luis Coastal Unified School District volunteer. If you decide to volunteer, please turn in your paperwork to the school site.