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If your student is NOT currently  enrolled in a San Luis Coastal Unified School District (SLCUSD) school, please complete the following:

  1. Complete the Aeries Online Enrollment to begin the enrollment process. 

  2. Submit, via email or in-person, the Home Language Survey (Spanish version) and the Confidential Student Information for School Nurse (Spanish version). 

  3. If you have additional documents to submit that weren't uploaded during the online enrollment process (residence verification, age verification, immunization records), please email them or drop them off to our school Registrar.

Please contact our Registrar, Alicia Wright, for more information.

Required Documentation for Enrollment

  1. Residence Verification
    Two documents required.  For a full list of acceptable documents, see AR 5111.1 District Residency

  2. Age Verification.
    Birth certificate preferred. If a birth certificate is not available, see AR 5111 Admission for a list of acceptable documentation. 

  3. Immunization Records