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Special Education

Intervention: General Education content offered in this course that is taught by a Special Educator with some modification to the General Education curriculum

Modified: General Education course content offered in this course that is taught by a Special Educator with significant modification to the General Education curriculum

Alternative: Alternative curriculum taught by a Special Educator

Course Code: Various/selected by counselor
Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12

Description: We offer a wide variety of courses at different levels of intensity (Intervention, Modified and Alternative) to address specific student IEP goals as well as to support high school graduation requirements and college and career readiness. Please take note that core Special Education courses including English, math, social science, or science do not meet the UC/CSU “a-g” eligibility for a 4-year college bound student, but do meet eligibility for entrance into a community college in California. All students with an IEP are assigned a Special Education IEP Manager who works closely with the IEP team and school counselor to develop an appropriate student class schedule.

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